Agile Live 7.0.0

Second release of Agile Live in 2024.

Agile Live 7.0.0 is the seventh major release of Agile Live. This release greatly improves the ability to customize the video and audio mixer in the Rendering Engine along with a bunch of new and improved features in the internal audio mixer.

See the Release documentation for more details.

Configurable video and audio mixers

The Rendering Engine has granted a major new feature in this release, as it is now possible to set up the mixers using a config file passed to the application at startup. This will allow the user to freely design the video mixer node graph, set up multiple audio outputs with post fader auxes and to create multiple output streams that pick and choose from output points in the video node graph and among the output buses of the audio mixer. This will not only make it possible to re-create all the effects possible to make with M/E stages in traditional hardware video mixers, but also to make even more advanced mixer effects. Also, multiple outputs means it is now possible to achieve effects such as “clean video outputs” without graphics overlays but with the same audio as in the main program output, create previews of stages of the video mixer to show in the multi-viewer, to allow chroma keys, picture-in-picture effects and so on to be set up and previewed in a multiview before being shown in the live feed. For more details, refer to the new Rendering Engine configuration documentation page.

Multiple audio mixer outputs and mix-minus support

With the configuration support mentioned above the system has also received a long awaited feature: support for mix-minus. When setting up outputs from the internal audio mixer, output buses can be configured to “follow” other output buses, i.e. act as a post fader aux send for another bus. This means that you can have your program bus on one audio mixer output, and a mix-minus output, where you remove the sound of your host, on another output. The rest of the audio in that output will follow whatever you do in your program output (except for the audio of your host’s microphone of course).

Two other improvements to the audio mixer includes commands to mute a channel in a specific output. This is useful as the volume level is kept intact until you un-mute the input. The muting is controlled per input in each output bus and the mixer also features a mute control for each output bus, so that all audio can be muted at once in that output. For those who are into automatization of workflows, the new auto fader will come in handy. With this new command you can tell the audio mixer to move any volume fader to a specific level over a specified time period. Perfect for automatically fading the audio from a studio situation to a pre recorded video or vice versa.

Enhanced EQ

In this release the EQ has been revamped, now allowing up to ten EQ filters to be configured. All filters are initially turned off, but can be individually turned on and configured to the required type, allowing much more flexibility than the old three-filter EQ where each filter only could be set to one of three types. The new EQ supports seven different types of filters. Among others, the new notch filter, which has a very narrow band which makes it useful for cutting specific frequencies containing humming noises or the sound of the wind.

Improved REST API

The REST API has been restructured resulting in a new version for the endpoints, /api/v3. The biggest change is that the concept of Control Receivers has been almost completely hidden in the API and the relation of Control Receivers and Pipelines has changed, so that each Pipeline now always has exactly one Control Receiver. Since this makes it a one-to-one mapping, the UUIDs of Control Receivers has been removed and instead the UUID of the Pipeline is used when setting up Control Connections with the REST API, which makes it much easier to use the API. This also means all endpoints containing /pipelines/{uuid}/controlreceivers have been removed, making the REST API more easy to overview and understand. In addition to this, the response payloads of some endpoints have been reformatted to make them easier to understand and to traverse. For more details, see the upgrade instructions.