Posts in 2022
  • Edgeware CCMI URLs

    Monday, March 21, 2022 in ACP News

    Edgeware uses a particular origin URL structure called CCMI URLs for its origin services. It is the format that the repackager (ESB3002) and the ew-manip (ESB3020) services understand natively. It is now explained in a new short document. Go to CCMI …

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  • ESB3019 Release 0.10.0

    Thursday, March 17, 2022 in ACP News

    The ESB3019 release contains many new features and is a great step towards version 1.0 later this spring. See the release notes for more details.

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Posts in 2021
  • vod2live IBC demo

    Wednesday, December 15, 2021 in ACP News

    The physical IBC show 2021 was cancelled, but we developed a great demo to show the concept and possibilities. To make it responsive, it doesn’t deal with full assets, and automatic channel creation, but one can interactively add content to the …

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