
How to configure accounts

If accounts are configured, the router will tag sessions as belonging to an account. Note that if accounts are not configured or a session does not belong to an account, a session will be tagged with the default account.

Metrics will be tracked separately for each account when applicable.


Accounts are configured using session groups, see Classification for more information. Using confcli, an account is configured by defining an account name and a list of session groups for which a session must be classified into to belong to the account. An account called account_1 can be configured by running the command

confcli services.routing.accounts -w
Running wizard for resource 'accounts'

Hint: Hitting return will set a value to its default.
Enter '?' to receive the help string

accounts : [
  account : {
    name (default: ): account_1
    sessionGroups <A session will be tagged as belonging to this account if it's classified into all of the listed session groups. (default: [])>: [
      sessionGroup (default: ): session_group_1
      Add another 'sessionGroup' element to array 'sessionGroups'? [y/N]: y
      sessionGroup (default: ): session_group_2
      Add another 'sessionGroup' element to array 'sessionGroups'? [y/N]: n
  Add another 'account' element to array 'accounts'? [y/N]: n
Generated config:
  "accounts": [
      "name": "account_1",
      "sessionGroups": [
Merge and apply the config? [y/n]: y

A session will belong to the account account_1 if it has been classified into the two session groups session_group_1 and session_group_2.


If using the configuration above, the metrics will be separated per account:

# TYPE num_requests counter
num_requests{account="account_1",selector="initial"} 3
# TYPE num_requests counter
num_requests{account="default",selector="initial"} 3