Global Lua Tables

Details on all global Lua tables and the data they contain.

There are multiple global tables containing important data available while writing Lua code for the router.


Contains arbitrary, custom fields fed into the router by clients, see API overview for details on how to inject data into this table.

Note that the selection_input table is iterable.

Usage examples:


-- Iterate over table
if selection_input then
    for k, v in pairs(selection_input) do
        print('here is '..'selection_input!')
    print('selection_input is nil')


Defines a mapping from session group name to boolean, indicating whether the session belongs to the session group or not.

Usage examples:

if session_groups.vod then print('vod') else print('not vod') end
if session_groups['vod'] then print('vod') else print('not vod') end


Provides counters of number of session types per session group. The table uses the structure qoe_score.<session_type>.<session_group>.

Usage examples:



Provides the quality of experience score per host per session group. The table uses the structure qoe_score.<host>.<session_group>.

Usage examples:



Contains data related to the HTTP request between the client and the router.

  • request.method
    • Description: HTTP request method.
    • Type: string
    • Example: 'GET', 'POST'
  • request.body
    • Description: HTTP request body string.
    • Type: string or nil
    • Example: '{"foo": "bar"}'
  • request.major_version
    • Description: Major HTTP version such as x in HTTP/x.1.
    • Type: integer
    • Example: 1
  • request.minor_version
    • Description: Minor HTTP version such as x in HTTP/1.x.
    • Type: integer
    • Example: 1
  • request.protocol
    • Description: Transfer protocol variant.
    • Type: string
    • Example: 'HTTP', 'HTTPS'
  • request.client_ip
    • Description: IP address of the client issuing the request.
    • Type: string
    • Example: ''
  • request.path_with_query_params
    • Description: Full request path including query parameters.
    • Type: string
    • Example: '/mycontent/superman.m3u8?b=y&c=z&a=x'
  • request.path
    • Description: Request path without query parameters.
    • Type: string
    • Example: '/mycontent/superman.m3u8'
  • request.query_params
    • Description: The query parameter string.
    • Type: string
    • Example: 'b=y&c=z&a=x'
  • request.filename
    • Description: The part of the path following the final slash, if any.
    • Type: string
    • Example: 'superman.m3u8'
  • request.subnet
    • Description: Subnet of client_ip.
    • Type: string or nil
    • Example: 'all'


Contains data related to the current session.

  • session.client_ip
    • Description: Alias for request.client_ip. See documentation for table request above.
  • session.path_with_query_params
    • Description: Alias for request.path_with_query_params. See documentation for table request above.
  • session.path
    • Description: Alias for request.path. See documentation for table request above.
  • session.query_params
    • Description: Alias for request.query_params. See documentation for table request above.
  • session.filename
    • Description: Alias for request.filename. See documentation for table request above.
  • session.subnet
    • Description: Alias for request.subnet. See documentation for table request above.
    • Description: ID of the currently selected host for the session.
    • Type: string or nil
    • Example: 'host1'
    • Description: ID of the session.
    • Type: string
    • Example: '8eb2c1bdc106-17d2ff-00000000'
  • session.session_type
    • Description: Type of the session.
    • Type: string
    • Example: 'initial' or 'instream'. Identical to the value of the Type argument of the session translation function.
  • session.is_managed
    • Description: Identifies managed sessions.
    • Type: boolean
    • Example: true if Type/session.session_type is 'instream'


Contains the headers from the request between the client and the router, keyed by name.

Usage example:



Contains the query parameters from the request between the client and the router, keyed by name.

Usage example:



Alias for metatable request_query_params.


Contains data related to the outgoing response apart from the headers.

  • response.body
    • Description: HTTP response body string.
    • Type: string or nil
    • Example: '{"foo": "bar"}'
  • response.code
    • Description: HTTP response status code.
    • Type: integer
    • Example: 200, 404
  • response.text
    • Description: HTTP response status text.
    • Type: string
    • Example: 'OK', 'Not found'
  • response.major_version
    • Description: Major HTTP version such as x in HTTP/x.1.
    • Type: integer
    • Example: 1
  • response.minor_version
    • Description: Minor HTTP version such as x in HTTP/1.x.
    • Type: integer
    • Example: 1
  • response.protocol
    • Description: Transfer protocol variant.
    • Type: string
    • Example: 'HTTP', 'HTTPS'


Contains the response headers keyed by name.

Usage example:
