Predictive load balancing

Configuring predictive load balancing in ESB3024 Router

Why use predictive load balancing?

Predictive load balancing is a tool that can be used to avoid overloading hosts with traffic. Consider the case where a popular event starts at a certain time, let’s say 12 PM. A spike in traffic will be routed to the hosts that are streaming the content at 12 PM, most of them starting at low bitrates. A host might have sufficient bandwidth left to take on more clients but when the recently connected clients start ramping up in video quality and increase their bitrate, the host can quickly become overloaded, possibly dropping incoming requests or going offline. Predictive load balancing solves this issue by considering how many times a host recently been redirected to.

Basic configuration

The router allows predicting incoming load for individual hosts. Through the use of the selection input API, the routing engine can predict incoming load by tracking recent host selections and make routing decisions accordingly.

What is considered recent is configurable and defaults to 500 milliseconds:

$ confcli
    "recentDurationMilliseconds": 500
$ confcli 1000 = 1000
  "tuning": {
    "target_recent_duration_milliseconds": 500

How to use predictive load balancing

The standard Lua library provides four functions for predictive load balancing that can be used when constructing conditions/weight functions: host_bitrate() , host_bitrate_custom(), host_has_bw() and host_has_bw_custom(). All require data to be supplied to the selection input API and apply only to leaf nodes in the routing tree. In order for predictive load balancing to work properly the data must be updated at regular intervals. The data needs to be supplied by the target system.

These functions are suitable to used as host health checks. To configure host health checks, see configuring CDNs and hosts.

Note that host_bitrate() and host_has_bw() rely on data supplied by metrics agents, detailed in Cache hardware metrics: monitoring and routing.

host_bitrate_custom() and host_has_bw_custom() rely on manually supplied selection input data, detailed in selection input API. The bitrate unit depends on the data submitted to the selection input API.


host_bitrate() returns the predicted bitrate (in megabits per second) of the host after the recently connected clients start ramping up in streaming quality. The function accepts up to four arguments:

  • interface: The name of the interface to use for bitrate prediction.
  • Optional avg_bitrate: the average bitrate per client, defaults to 6 megabits per second.
  • Optional num_routers: the number of routers that can route to this host, defaults to 1. This is important to accurately predict the incoming load if multiple routers are used.
  • Optional host: The name of the host to use for bitrate prediction. Defaults to the current host if not provided.

Examples of usage:

host_bitrate({avg_bitrate=1, interface="eths0"})
host_bitrate({num_routers=2, interface="eths0"})
host_bitrate({avg_bitrate=1, num_routers=4, interface="eths0"})
host_bitrate({avg_bitrate=1, num_routers=4, host="custom_host", interface="eths0"})

host_bitrate() calculates the predicted bitrate as:

predicted_host_bitrate = current_host_bitrate + (recent_connections * avg_bitrate * num_routers)


Same functionality as host_bitrate() but uses a custom selection input variable as bitrate input instead of accessing hardware metrics. The function accepts up to three arguments:

  • custom_bitrate_var: The name of the selection input variable to be used for accessing current host bitrate.
  • Optional avg_bitrate: see host_bitrate() documentation above.
  • Optional num_routers: see host_bitrate() documentation above.
host_bitrate_custom({avg_bitrate=1, custom_bitrate_var="host1_current_bitrate"})
host_bitrate_custom({num_routers=4, custom_bitrate_var="host1_current_bitrate"})


Instead of accessing the predicted bitrate of a host through host_bitrate(), host_has_bw() returns 1 if the host is predicted to have enough bandwidth left to take on more clients after recent connections ramp up in bitrate, otherwise it returns 0. The function accepts up to five arguments:

  • interface: see host_bitrate() documentation above.
  • Optional avg_bitrate: see host_bitrate() documentation above.
  • Optional num_routers: see host_bitrate() documentation above.
  • Optional host: see host_bitrate() documentation above.
  • Optional margin: the bitrate (megabits per second) headroom that should be taken into account during calculation, defaults to 0.

host_has_bw() returns whether or not the following statement is true:

predicted_host_bitrate + margin < host_bitrate_capacity

Examples of usage:

host_has_bw({margin=10, interface="eth0"})
host_has_bw({avg_bitrate=1, interface="eth0"})
host_has_bw({num_routers=4, interface="eth0"})
host_has_bw({host="custom_host", interface="eth0"})


Same functionality as host_has_bw() but uses a custom selection input variable as bitrate and capacity input. The function accepts up to five arguments:

  • custom_capacity_var: the name of the selection input variable to be used for accessing host capacity.
  • custom_bitrate_var: see host_bitrate_custom() documentation
  • Optional margin: see host_has_bw() documentation above. above.
  • Optional avg_bitrate: see host_bitrate() documentation above.
  • Optional num_routers: see host_bitrate() documentation above.

Examples of usage:

host_has_bw_custom({custom_capacity_var="host1_capacity", custom_bitrate_var="host1_current_bitrate"})
host_has_bw_custom({margin=10, custom_capacity_var="host1_capacity", custom_bitrate_var="host1_current_bitrate"})
host_has_bw_custom({avg_bitrate=1, custom_capacity_var="host1_capacity", custom_bitrate_var="host1_current_bitrate"})
host_has_bw_custom({num_routers=4, custom_capacity_var="host1_capacity", custom_bitrate_var="host1_current_bitrate"})

Examples in routing

When using confcli it’s not recommended to use host_bitrate() since it’s not possible to make comparisons using <, > or similar operators. Using host_has_bw() makes it easy to construct conditions utilizing predictive load balancing.

host_has_bw() and host_has_bw_custom() are excellent candidates to be used as health check functions for hosts, see configuring CDNs and hosts for more details.

$ confcli services.routing.rules -w
Running wizard for resource 'rules'

Hint: Hitting return will set a value to its default.
Enter '?' to receive the help string

rules : [
  rule can be one of
    1: allow
    2: consistentHashing
    3: contentPopularity
    4: deny
    5: firstMatch
    6: random
    7: rawGroup
    8: rawHost
    9: split
    10: weighted
  Choose element index or name: weighted
  Adding a 'weighted' element
    rule : {
      name (default: ): weighted_and_has_bw
      type (default: weighted):
      targets : [
        target : {
          target (default: ): host1
          weight (default: 100):
          condition (default: always()): host_has_bw({interface="eths0"})
        Add another 'target' element to array 'targets'? [y/N]: y
        target : {
          target (default: ): host2
          weight (default: 100): 100
          condition (default: always()): host_has_bw({margin=1000, interface="eths0"})
        Add another 'target' element to array 'targets'? [y/N]: y
        target : {
          target (default: ): host3
          weight (default: 100):
          condition (default: always()): host_has_bw({avg_bitrate=1, num_routers=2, margin=5000, interface="eths0"})
        Add another 'target' element to array 'targets'? [y/N]: n
  Add another 'rule' element to array 'rules'? [y/N]: n
Generated config:
  "rules": [
      "name": "weighted_and_has_bw",
      "type": "weighted",
      "targets": [
          "target": "host1",
          "weight": "100",
          "condition": "host_has_bw({interface="eths0"})"
          "target": "host2",
          "weight": "100",
          "condition": "host_has_bw({margin=1000, interface="eths0"})"
          "target": "host3",
          "weight": "100",
          "condition": "host_has_bw({avg_bitrate=1, num_routers=2, margin=5000, interface="eths0"})"
"routing": {
  "id": "weighted_and_has_bw",
  "member_order": "sorted",
  "members": [
      "id": "1",
      "host_id": "host1",
      "weight_function": "return host_bitrate({interface="eths0"}) > 0 and 1 or 0"
      "id": "2",
      "host_id": "host2",
      "weight_function": "return host_bitrate({avg_bitrate=1, interface="eths0"}) > 10000 and 1 or 0"
      "id": "3",
      "host_id": "host3",
      "weight_function": "return host_has_bw({avg_bitrate=1, num_routers=2, margin=5000, interface="eths0"}) and 1 or 0"
  "weight_function": "return 1"