Managing Grafana

Grafana displays graphs based on data from Prometheus. A default deployment of Grafana is running in a container alongside ESB3024 Router.

Grafana’s configuration and runtime files are stored under /opt/edgeware/acd/grafana. It comes with default dashboards that are documented at Grafana dashboards.

Accessing Grafana

Grafana’s web interface is listening for HTTP connections on port 3000. It has two default accounts, edgeware and admin.

The edgeware account can only view graphs, while the admin account can also edit graphs. The accounts with default passwords are shown in the table below.

AccountDefault password

Starting / Stopping Grafana

Grafana can be managed via systemd, under the service unit acd-grafana.

systemctl start acd-grafana


The container logs are automatically published to the system journal, under the same unit descriptor, and can be viewed using journalctl

journalctl -u acd-grafana