
Metrics endpoint

ESB3024 Router collects a large number of metrics that can give insight into it’s condition at runtime. Those metrics are available in Prometheustext-based exposition format at endpoint :5001/m1/v1/metrics.

Below is the description of these metrics along with their labels.


Number of responses sent back to incoming requests.


Number of errors encountered when evaluating Lua rules.

  • Type: counter


Number of Lua rules evaluators (active interpreters).


Time spent by running Lua evaluators, in microseconds.

  • Type: counter


Number of times configuration has been changed since the router has started.

  • Type: counter


Number of requests redirected per CDN endpoint.

  • Type: counter
  • Labels:
    • endpoint - CDN endpoint address.
    • selector - whether the request was counted during initial or instream selection.


Number of client requests that either use wrong method or wrong URL path. Also number of all requests that cannot be parsed as HTTP.

  • Type: counter
  • Labels:
    • source - name of internal filter function that classified request as invalid. Probably not of much use outside debugging.
    • type - whether the request was HTTP (Unencrypted) or HTTPS (SSL).


Number of logged errors since the router has started.

  • Type: counter


Number of logged warnings since the router has started.

  • Type: counter


Number of redirects to the router itself, which allows session management.

  • Type: counter


Number of cached manifests.

  • Type: gauge
  • Labels:
    • count - state of manifest in cache, can be either lru, evicted or total.


Number of “lost” QoE decisions per CDN.

  • Type: counter
  • Labels:
    • cdn_id - ID of CDN that loose QoE battle.
    • cdn_name - name of CDN that loose QoE battle.
    • selector - whether the decision was taken during initial or instream selection.


Number of “won” QoE decisions per CDN.

  • Type: counter
  • Labels:
    • cdn_id - ID of CDN that won QoE battle.
    • cdn_name - name of CDN that won QoE battle.
    • selector - whether the decision was taken during initial or instream selection.


Deprecated, should always be at 0.

  • Type: counter
  • Labels:
    • selector - whether the request was counted during initial or instream selection.


Total number of requests received by the router.

  • Type: counter
  • Labels:
    • selector - whether the request was counted during initial or instream selection.


Number of sessions opened on router.

  • Type: gauge
  • Labels:
    • state - either active or inactive.
    • type - one of: initial, instream, qoe_on, qoe_off, qoe_agent or sp_agent.


Number of all errors logged during TLS connections, both incoming and outgoing.

  • Type: counter


Number of all warnings logged during TLS connections, both incoming and outgoing.

  • Type: counter
  • Labels:
    • category - which kind of TLS connection triggered the warning. Can be one of: cdn, content, generic, repeated_session or empty.


Number of requests for which no CDN could be found.

  • Type: counter
  • Labels:
    • selector - whether the request was counted during initial or instream selection.


Number of redirects to “outside” the router - usually to CDN.

  • Type: counter
  • Labels:
    • cdn_id - ID of CDN picked for redirection.
    • cdn_name - name of CDN picked for redirection.
    • selector - whether the redirect was result of initial or instream selection.


Number of received requests that were not deemed invalid, see num_invalid_http_requests.

  • Type: counter
  • Labels:
    • source - name of internal filter function that classified request as invalid. Probably not of much use outside debugging.
    • type - whether the request was HTTP (Unencrypted) or HTTPS (SSL).


Total number of responses sorted into “latency buckets” - labels denoting latency interval.

  • Type: counter
  • Labels:
    • le - latency bucket that given response falls into.
    • orc_status_code - HTTP status code of given response.


Total number of responses.

  • Type: counter
  • Labels:
    • tls - whether the response was sent via SSL/TLS connection or not.
    • orc_status_code - HTTP status code of given response.


Number of days until a SSL certificate expires.

  • Type: gauge
  • Labels:
    • domain - the common name of the domain that the certificate authenticates.
    • not_valid_after - the expiry time of the certificate.
    • not_valid_before - when the certificate starts being valid.
    • usable - if the certificate is usable to the router, see the ssl_certificate_usable_count metric for an explanation.


Number of usable SSL certificates. A certificate is usable if it is valid and authenticates a domain name that points to the router.

  • Type: gauge

Internal Metrics

Internal Metrics