
Special operating instructions for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and compatible Operating Systems is considered best-effort and the instructions included here are only maintained for archival purposes.

Since Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 uses the Docker runtime, there are several key differences which are noted below.

Starting and Stopping Services

Since the containers are not integrated into systemd under Docker, standard Docker container management commands must be used to start and stop the services.

  • docker ps - Displays all running containers along with their relevant metadata.
  • docker stop router - Stops the router container.
  • docker start router - Starts the router container.

Obtaining container logs

The standard docker logs command should be used to view the logs for the various containers.

  • docker logs router - Display the complete log for the router container.
  • docker logs -f router - Display and tail the log for the router container.

Router Access Logs are not available under Docker.