
Starting / Stopping / Monitoring Services

Each container shipped with the Director is fully-integrated with the systemd service on the host, enabling easy management using standard systemd commands. The logs for each container are also full-integrated with journald to simplify troubleshooting.

In order to integrate the Podman containers with systemd, a common prefix of acd- has been applied to each service name. For example the router container is managed by the service acd-router, and the confd container is managed by the service acd-confd. These same prefixed names apply while fetching logs via journald. This common prefix aids in grouping the related services as well as provides simpler filtering for tab-completion.

Starting / Stopping Services

Standard systemd commands should be used to start and stop the services.

  • systemctl start acd-router - Starts the router container.
  • systemctl stop acd-router - Stops the router container.
  • systemctl status acd-router - Displays the status of the router container.

Due to the limitation of needing the acd- prefix, it provides the ability to work with all ACD services in a group. For example:

  • systemctl status 'acd-*' - Display the status of all installed ACD components.
  • systemctl start 'acd-*' - Start all ACD components.


Each ACD component corresponds to a journal entry with the same unit name, with the acd- prefix. Standard journald commands can be used to view and manage the logging.

  • journalctl -u acd-router - Display the logs for the router container

Access Log

HTTP access logging can be enabled by typing this:

confcli services.routing.tuning.general.accessLog true

When access logging is enabled, the Director will log all content requests. The logs can be obtained from journald by using the following command:


This will output the router’s access logs in a standard format.


Some additional logging may be available in the filesystem, the paths of which can be determined by executing the ew-sysinfo command. See Diagnostics. for additional details.