Release esb3024-1.14.0

Build date


Release status

Type: production

Breaking changes

  • If upgrading from a release prior to 1.10.0, the Director needs to be upgraded to 1.10.0, 1.10.1 or 1.10.2 before installing 1.14.0. See Installing an 1.14 release for more information.

  • In esb3024-1.14.0, the configuration setting services.routing.settings.allowedProxies has been renamed to services.routing.settings.trustedProxies and has changed default behavior. If empty, proxy connections are now denied by default. See Trusted proxies for more information.

  • Starting with esb3024-1.14.0, a minimum CPU architecture level of x86-64-v2 is required. See system requirements below for more information.

Change log

  • NEW: Remove grafana-loki and fluentbit containers [ESB3024-774]
  • NEW: Extend num_endpoint_requests metric with host ID [ESB3024-975]
  • NEW: Improved subnets endpoint. See API overview documentation for details. [ESB3024-1018]
  • NEW: Support RHEL-9 / OL9 [ESB3024-1022]
  • NEW: Support OpenSSL 3 [ESB3024-1025]
  • NEW: Changed the router base image to oracle linux 9. See breaking changes [ESB3024-1034]
  • NEW: Rename allowedProxies to trustedProxies [ESB3024-1085]
  • NEW: Deny proxy connections by default if trustedProxies is empty [ESB3024-1088]
  • FIXED: Too long classifier name crashes confd-transformer [ESB3024-949]
  • FIXED: Lua condition si() doesn’t handle boolean values [ESB3024-1017]
  • FIXED: Classifiers of type stringMatcher and regexMatcher can’t use content query params as source [ESB3024-1032]
  • FIXED: ConsistentHashing algorithm is not content aware [ESB3024-1053]
  • FIXED: Large configurations fail to apply. The REST API max body size is now configurable. [ESB3024-1056]
  • FIXED: Convoy-bridge DB connection failure spams logs [ESB3024-1080]
  • FIXED: Convoy-bridge does not send correctly formatted session-id [ESB3024-1081]
  • FIXED: Response translation removes message body [ESB3024-1082]


  • From esb3024-1.14.0, the grafana-loki and fluentbit containers have been deprecated and are no longer installed with the system. During upgrade these containers may manually be stopped and removed if not used.

System Requirements

  • Starting with esb3024-1.14.0 the ACD-Router now requires a minimum CPU architecture level of x86-64-v2 due to inclusion of Oracle Linux 9 inside the container. While all modern CPUs support this archetecture level, virtual hypervisors may default to a CPU type that has more compatibility with older processors. If this minimum CPU architecture level is not attained the containers may refuse to start. See Operating System Compatibility and Building Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 for the x86-64-v2 Microarchitecture Level for more information.

Known Limitations

  • The GUI is not working for this release.

  • The Telegraf metrics agent might not be able to read all relevant network interface data on some releases of ESB2001. The predictive load balancing function host_has_bw() and the health check function interfaces_online() might therefore not work as expected.

    • The recommended workaround for host_has_bw() is to use host_has_bw_custom(), documented in Predictive Load Balancing. A manual integration of setting a custom selection input variable representing the network interface capacity and using this in host_has_bw_custom() is necessary. See API Overview for details on using the selection input API. to use host_has_bw_custom()
    • The recommended workaround for interfaces_online() is to not use the function until the issue is resolved.