Use In-Stream Sessions

How to configure ACD Router to use In-Stream sessions

In-Stream sessions is a routing mode where the router keeps control of the session for the full session lifetime instead of only routing the session to the preferred CDN (or cache node) once. Technically it works by letting the client return to the router for manifest and segments and redirect each segment to the preferred CDN. This enables changing CDN in the middle of a session.

Configure In-Stream Sessions

In-Stream routing for all incoming requests can be enabled by running

$ confcli services.routing.translationFunctions.session "return set_session_type('instream')"
services.routing.translationFunctions.session = "return set_session_type('instream')"

See Session Translation Function for more details on controlling session types.

The following example illustrate the request flow for in-stream session

$ curl  -i http://test-acd-router/content/playlist.m3u8
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Length: 0
Location: http://test-acd-router/__s/test-acd-router-a4fd86-0000004f_WyIvY2RuL3BsYXlsaXN0Lm0zdTgiLDAsImRldmNkbjEiLCJkZXZjZG4xLnN0cmVhbXBpbG90LnR2Iiw4MCwiL2Nkbi9wbGF5bGlzdC5tM3U4IiwwLDE2ODAyNjQwOTNd_c1e3fc663a47156e0894b30eddf995bb/content/playlist.m3u8

$ curl -i http://test-acd-router/__s/test-acd-router-a4fd86-0000004f_WyIvY2RuL3BsYXlsaXN0Lm0zdTgiLDAsImRldmNkbjEiLCJkZXZjZG4xLnN0cmVhbXBpbG90LnR2Iiw4MCwiL2Nkbi9wbGF5bGlzdC5tM3U4IiwwLDE2ODAyNjQwOTNd_c1e3fc663a47156e0894b30eddf995bb/content/playlist.m3u8
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: DNT,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type,Range
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Content-Length,Content-Range
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 306
Content-Type: application/
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2023 10:18:42 GMT
ETag: "5d711f08-132"
Last-Modified: Thu, 05 Sep 2019 14:43:20 GMT
Server: nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)


$ curl -i http://test-acd-router/__s/test-acd-router-a4fd86-0000004f_WyIvY2RuL3BsYXlsaXN0Lm0zdTgiLDAsImRldmNkbjEiLCJkZXZjZG4xLnN0cmVhbXBpbG90LnR2Iiw4MCwiL2Nkbi9wbGF5bGlzdC5tM3U4IiwwLDE2ODAyNjQwOTNd_c1e3fc663a47156e0894b30eddf995bb/content/abr_500k.m3u8
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: DNT,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type,Range
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Content-Length,Content-Range
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 276
Content-Type: application/
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2023 12:02:04 GMT
ETag: "6426cbbc-114"
Last-Modified: Fri, 31 Mar 2023 12:02:04 GMT
Server: nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)


$ curl -i http://test-acd-router/__s/test-acd-router-a4fd86-0000004f_WyIvY2RuL3BsYXlsaXN0Lm0zdTgiLDAsImRldmNkbjEiLCJkZXZjZG4xLnN0cmVhbXBpbG90LnR2Iiw4MCwiL2Nkbi9wbGF5bGlzdC5tM3U4IiwwLDE2ODAyNjQwOTNd_c1e3fc663a47156e0894b30eddf995bb/content/abr_500k112583846.ts
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Length: 0

A Note on Confcli

Begin with configuring routing, classification and session groups in confcli, for example based on content types.

# Create a classifier for live sessions

$ confcli services.routing.classifiers -w
Running wizard for resource 'classifiers'

Hint: Hitting return will set a value to its default.
Enter '?' to receive the help string

classifiers : [
  classifier can be one of
    1: anonymousIp
    2: asnIds
    3: contentUrlPath
    4: contentUrlQueryParameters
    5: geoip
    6: hostName
    7: ipranges
    8: random
    9: regexMatcher
    10: stringMatcher
    11: subnet
    12: userAgent
  Choose element index or name: contentUrlPath
  Adding a 'contentUrlPath' element
    classifier : {
      name (default: ): live
      type (default: contentUrlPath): ⏎
      inverted (default: False): ⏎
      patternType (default: stringMatch): ⏎
      pattern (default: ): *live*
  Add another 'classifier' element to array 'classifiers'? [y/N]: ⏎
Generated config:
  "classifiers": [
      "name": "live",
      "type": "contentUrlPath",
      "inverted": false,
      "patternType": "stringMatch",
      "pattern": "*live*"
Merge and apply the config? [y/n]: y

# Create a session group called "live" using the classifier

$ confcli services.routing.sessionGroups -w
Running wizard for resource 'sessionGroups'

Hint: Hitting return will set a value to its default.
Enter '?' to receive the help string

sessionGroups : [
  sessionGroup : {
    name (default: ): live
    classifiers : [
      classifier (default: ): live
      Add another 'classifier' element to array 'classifiers'? [y/N]: ⏎
  Add another 'sessionGroup' element to array 'sessionGroups'? [y/N]: ⏎
Generated config:
  "sessionGroups": [
      "name": "live",
      "classifiers": [
Merge and apply the config? [y/n]: y

# Make all sessions belonging to the session group "live" In-Stream sessions

$ confcli services.routing.translationFunctions.session "return set_session_type_if_in_group('instream', 'live')"
services.routing.translationFunctions.session = "return set_session_type_if_in_group('instream', 'live')"


If Grafana is installed together with the ESB-3024 installer, the number of started In-Stream sessions as well as currently active In-Stream sessions can be seen in a Dashboard.

Notes on Performance

Be aware that In-Stream sessions puts additional load on the request router since all clients continuously comes back to the router to fetch new manifests and to get segment redirects. The necessary router capacity therefore scaled both with number of started sessions and the average session length.