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Installation and Upgrades


    The ew-hlsingest service is distributed as a CentOS/Red Hat RPM and is available as ew-hlsingest.service when installed. It works both on RH 7 and 8 and compatible versions.

    To install version x.y.z, the rpm command can be used as follows:

    yum install ./ew-hlsingest-x.y.z-1.el8.x86_64.rpm

    The service can be controlled with the standard systemctl commands:

    systemctl start ew-hlsingest
    systemctl stop ew-hlsingest
    systemctl status ew-hlsingest

    Logs from the service can be seen using journalctl -u ew-hlsingest.

    The unit file is available in /usr/lib/systemd/system/ew-hlsingest.service.

    When run as a service, ew-hlsingest reads its initial configuration from /etc/edgeware/ew-hlsingest/config.json. To uninstall the service, do:

    yum remove ew-hlsingest

    When uninstalling or upgrading it is recommended to first stop the service.


    There is only one version of ew-hlsingest so there are no configuration concerns during upgrade.

    In the future, to upgrade simply run:

    $ sudo yum upgrade <rpm-file>